84 Commands
Pre-Execution Checks:
The only check made when this page is sent in Mode Select data is Parameter
Changeable Parameters:
Unchangeable Parameters:
Select Data Compression Algorithm [ 1]
Reserved (0)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Write Delay
This field can be modified by a MODE SELECT command, and this change will be reflected in a
MODE SENSE command. However the actual value used as the delay time will remain
as zero, and so the data in the buffer will never be flushed. The default value is zero.
The field is fully supported. The default value is 12Ch, representing a 30 second time delay.
0 The drive will never flush buffered data to tape as a result of a time-out.
>0 The time in 100 ms increments that the drive should wait with unwritten data in the buffer
and no activity on the interface before forcing data to tape. The delay is timed from the
completion of the preceding
Select Data
0 Use Scheme 2 of the LTO-DC algorithm (pass-through mode). Note that clearing this
parameter is not advised.
1 Use the default compression scheme. This is the default.
PS 0
CAP 0 The Change Active Partition flag should be 0 since multiple partitions are not supported.
CAF 0 The Change Active Format flag should be zero since changing formats is not supported.
Active Format 0 Changing formats is not supported.
Active Partition 0 Multiple partitions are not supported.
Write Buffer
Full Ratio
0 Buffer management is done by the drive.
Read Buffer
Empty Ratio
0 Buffer management is done by the drive.
DBR 0 The Data Buffer Recovery flag should be clear since this feature is not supported.
BIS 1 The Block Identifiers Supported flag should be set since block identifiers are supported.