Commands 137
04 00h
LUN not ready, cause not reportable A tape is present in the drive but is in the process of being
04 01h
LUN in process of becoming ready A medium access command has been received during a
load initiated from the front panel or by an immediate-
LOAD command
04 02h
LUN not ready, Initializing command required A tape is present in the drive but is not logically loaded. A
LOAD command is required.
04 03h
LUN not ready, manual intervention required A tape is present in the drive but could not be loaded or
unloaded without manual intervention.
04 07h
Immediate mode command in progress The tape drive is currently executing an immediate mode
04 10h Media Auxiliary Memory is not accessible MAM is not accessible.
0C 00h
Write error A
WRITE operation has failed. This is probably due to bad
media but may be hardware related.
0C 0Bh Media Auxiliary Memory write error An error has occurred while attempting to write to MAM.
11 00h
Unrecovered read error A READ operation failed. This is probably due to bad
media but may be hardware related.
11 12h Media Auxiliary Memory read error The Host Attribute area in MAM is invalid.
14 00h
Recorded entity not found A SPACE or Locate failed because a format violation
prevented the target of the operation from being found.
14 03h
End of data not found A read-type operation failed because a format violation
related to a missing EOD data set, or there was an
attempt to read a brand new tape.
1A 00h
Parameter list length error The amount of data sent in a
command is incorrect
The Mode Header indicates a Mode Block Descriptor but
no Mode Block Descriptor is sent.
20 00h Invalid command operation code The operation code in the command was not valid.
24 00h
Invalid field in Command Descriptor Block An invalid field has been detected in a Command
Descriptor Block.
25 00h
LUN not supported The command was addressed to a non-existent logical
unit number.
26 00h
Invalid field in parameter list An invalid field has been detected in the data sent during
the data phase
26 01h
Parameter not supported The command was addressed to a non-existent logical
unit number.
27 00h
Write-protected A write-type operation has been requested on a tape that
has been write-protected.
28 00h
Not ready to ready transition, medium may
have changed
A tape has been loaded successfully into the drive and is
now ready to be accessed.
29 01h Power-on reset The drive has powered on since the host last accessed it.
Code Description Explanation