
66 Commands
Read Error Counters Log Page
The Read Error Counters log is page 03h. The Page Length is 38h. There are
seven parameters, 0 through 6. Parameters 0 through 2 are not supported and
are returned as zero. All fields are four bytes long.
All these counters are updated when the data set is physically read. They relate
to the current tape and are cleared when the tape is unloaded.
This data can be reset to zero, but not written.
Sequential Access Device Log Page
The Sequential Access Device Log page is page 0Ch. The Page Length is 40h.
Five parameters are supported, all eight bytes long:
Parm. Definition Description
0 Errors corrected without substantial delay Total number of errors corrected without delay
1 Errors corrected with possible delays Total number of errors corrected using retries
2 Total Sum of parameters 3 and 6
3 Total errors corrected The number of data sets that were corrected after a
read retry
4 Total times error correction processed Number of times C2 correction is invoked
5 Total bytes processed The total number of data sets read
6 Total uncorrected errors The number of data sets that could not be read after
Parm. Description
01h The number of data bytes received from application clients during write command
operations. This is the number of bytes transferred over SCSI, before compression.
02h The number of data bytes written to the media as a result of write command operations,
not counting the overhead from ECC and formatting. This is the number of data bytes
transferred to media, after compression.
03h The number of data bytes read from the media during read command operations, not
counting the overhead from ECC and formatting. This is the number of data bytes
transferred from media with compression.
04h The number of data bytes transferred to the initiator or initiators during read command
operations. This is the number of bytes transferred over SCSI, after decompression.
0100h Cleaning required, a non-volatile cleaning indication.