3–4 edge switch 2/16 service manual
Repair Information
Information associated with a call-home failure is intended for maintenance personnel
to fault isolate the problem (modem failure, no dial tone, etc.), while information
provided in all other entries is generally intended for use by third-level support
personnel to isolate more significant problems.
To open the HAFM Event Log, select Event Log from the Logs menu on the
navigation control panel.
Figure 3–1: HAFM Event Log
The event log contains the following columns:
• Date/Time - the date and time the event was reported to the HAFM server.
• Event - an event number and brief description of the event. Include both the event
number and description when reporting an event to third-level customer support.
• Product - the product associated with the event. Some events are associated with
the HAFM services application, while others are associated with a specific
instance of the HAFM application. In the latter case, the product and configured
name (or internet protocol (IP) address) associated with the instance are
• Qualifier - this column provides an event qualifier for use by engineering
personnel. Include this number when reporting an event to third-level customer
• Data - additional event data for fault isolating a problem. Use the information
when fault isolating a call-home problem, or include the information when
reporting an event to third-level customer support.
Session Log
The Session Log displays a session (login and logout) history for the HAFM server,
including the date and time, user name, and network address of each session. This
information is useful for system administrators and users. To open the Session Log,
select Session Log from the Logs menu on the navigation control panel.