Signal Output
Instrument network (INET)
If a setpoint entry at the HP 5890 keyboard is in progress when a
workfile or method is stored or listed at the controller, the entry is
aborted. After the operation finishes, the HP 5890 returns to the same
setpoint display.
When a stored workfile or method is recalled to active workspace at
the controller, its setpoints are automatically downloaded into devices
on the INET loop, including the HP 5890. Successful download at the
HP 5890 is confirmed by the display, SETPOINT FILE LOADED. Any
instrument function key (e.g.,
), or
, erases the
If a setpoint entry at the HP 5890 keyboard is in progress when
a workfile or method is recalled, the entry is aborted.
If problems occur in transferring chromatographic setpoints to the
HP 5890, the HP 5890 retains its present setpoints, so there is no
indication at the HP 5890 that transfer was attempted. Appropriate
error messages are printed at the controller device.
SYSTEM NOT READY, if displayed, indicates one or more devices on
the INET loop report not ready.
UNDER REMOTE CONTROL is displayed if, from a host computer
system, a command has been entered to lock the HP 5890 keyboard to
prevent alteration of setpoints, and entry of a setpoint value is
attempted at the HP 5890.
In case of INET system failure, the HP 5890 may be operated by itself
(INET cables should be disconnected at the HP 5890). If, as a result of
the failure, the HP 5890 keyboard does not respond normally to key
presses, switch off the instrument at its main power switch. Upon
restoring power, the keyboard should be active.