Electronic Flow Sensing
Electronic flow sensor (EFS) calibration
EFS Flow-Measuring Adapter (Part No. 05890-80620)
Figure 4-3
5. Assuming there is no gas flow through the channel being calibrated,
at the keyboard. This updates the zero calibration value.
Setting the GAIN calibration value
After the zero calibration value is set at zero flow rate through the given
channel, the gain calibration value must be set, based upon a measured
flow rate.
1. At the keyboard, press
: GAIN A (or GAIN B) is displayed,
followed by two values (the observed flow rate through the channel,
and the current gain calibration value for the channel).
2. Reconnect the gas supply to the channel being calibrated. Do not
reconnect the OUT fitting for the particular channel.
3. Using a suitable flow•measuringdevice (accurate to better than
1 ml/min) connected at the OUT fitting for the given channel, adjust
flow through the channel so measured flow rate is approximately in
the middle of the range to be used. For example, if the range of flow
rates to be used is between 50 and 150 ml/min, measured flow rate
should be adjusted to about 100 ml/min.