4.10 Using the Maintenance Menus ................................... 165
4.10.1 Maintaining the User Data Store ...................................... 165
■ Backing up the User Data Store ................................... 167
■ Restoring the User Data Store ..................................... 169
■ Clearing the User Data Store ....................................... 170
4.10.2 Maintaining the System Settings ...................................... 171
■ Downloading the System Settings in CSV Format ....... 171
■ Backing up System Settings ......................................... 172
■ Restoring System Settings ........................................... 173
■ Resetting Factory Defaults ........................................... 174
4.10.3 Updating the Scanner's System Software ........................ 175
4.10.4 Installing/Uninstalling an Add-in Module ........................... 177
■ Installing an Add-in Module .......................................... 177
■ Uninstalling an Add-in Module ...................................... 178
4.10.5 Setting the Information Output Level ................................ 179
4.10.6 Obtaining Technical Support ............................................ 180
4.11 Setting Job Features ................................................... 181
4.11.1 Job Setting Quick User Guide ........................................... 183
4.11.2 Setting a Job Sequence ................................................... 185
■ Adding a job sequence ................................................. 185
■ Cloning a job sequence ................................................ 197
■ Editing a job sequence ................................................. 197
■ Deleting a job sequence ............................................... 198
■ Filtering job sequences ................................................ 198
■ Filtering the LDAP List .................................................. 199
4.11.3 Setting a Job Menu ........................................................... 203
■ Adding a job menu ....................................................... 203
■ Cloning a job menu ...................................................... 208
■ Editing a job menu ........................................................ 208
■ Deleting a job menu ..................................................... 209
■ Viewing the detailed settings for a job menu ................ 209
4.11.4 Setting a Job Group .......................................................... 210
■ Adding a job group ....................................................... 210
■ Editing a job group ....................................................... 215
■ Deleting a job group ..................................................... 215