5. Enter a "DNS Suffix".
This can only be set if the [On] button was pressed in Step 4.
The scanner_name + DNS_suffix, may be up to 255 characters long. Alphanumeric charac-
ters and the following symbols may be used.
A "." (dot) is added in between the scanner_name and DNS_suffix.
For example, if a scanner name is 9 characters long, because a "." dot will be added to the
scanner_name, the DNS suffix may be up to 245 long.
According to the settings, a FQDN is named in the following order.
1. Scanner_name + DNS_suffix entered here.
2. Scanner_name + domain_suffix acquired from DHCP server.
3. Scanner_name + domain input on the "Scanner Name" screen.
6. Press the [OK] button.
The information entered is set.
The current FQDN is shown for the FQDN.
However, if the scanner is not connected to the network, the FQDN may
not be displayed correctly.