Defining elements
50 PowerDesigner
Example of an XDR file:
Attribute detail properties
The Detail page of an attribute property sheet displays the following
Property Description
Default Default value. Enter a default value only if there is no fixed value
Fixed Fixed value. Enter a fixed value only if there is no default value
Indicator of how the attribute is used. If you select Optional, the
attribute is optional and may have any value. If you select
Prohibited, the attribute cannot be used. Use this value to
prohibit the use of an existing attribute in the restriction of
another complex type. If you select Required, the attribute must
appear at least once and may have any value matching its data
Form of the attribute. If you select Qualified, Form must be
qualified by combining the target namespace of the schema with
the no-colon-name (See Glossary) of the attribute. If you select
Unqualified, Form is not required to be qualified with the
namespace prefix and is matched against the no-colon-name of
the attribute
ID ID of the attribute. Its value must be of type ID and unique within
the model containing the attribute
Attribute values page
The Values page of an attribute property sheet is only available in a model
targeted with DTD or XDR. You can set a list of predefined values for an