Defining the XML model environment
10 PowerDesigner
Defining the XML model environment
The XML model environment includes a set of parameters and configuration
options that define various aspects of the model content and behavior. You
can set these parameters:
♦ At model creation
♦ After creating a model with default options and parameters
♦ When creating a model template
Choosing the XML language of an XML model
An XML language contains specifications for a particular language. It
provides PowerDesigner with the syntax and guidelines for implementing
stereotypes, data types, scripts and constants for an XML language. You
manage an XML language from the Resource Editor. The language displays a
tree view with several categories that can be used to extend XML model
objects (Profile category) or manage generation (Generation category).
Each XML model is by default attached to an XML language. When you
create a new XML model, you must choose an XML language. You can
create a new XML language or use the XML languages delivered with
The definition of an XML language is available from its property sheet. You
can select and configure parameters used when defining objects or generating
from an XML model.
For more information on XML languages, see chapter XML Languages
Reference Guide in the Advanced User Documentation.
For more information on resource files, see chapter The Resource
Editor in the General Features Guide.
Not certified resource file
Some resource files are delivered with "Not Certified" in their names.
Sybase will perform all possible validation checks, however Sybase does
not maintain specific environments to fully certify these resource files.
Sybase will support the definition by accepting bug reports and will
provide fixes as per standard policy, with the exception that there will be
no final environmental validation of the fix. Users are invited to assist
Sybase by testing fixes of the definition provided by Sybase and report
any continuing inconsistencies.