
272 PowerDesigner
check model 140
annotation 165
attribute 156
attribute group 157
automatic correction 140, 145
business rule (XSM) 149
complex type 152
correct error 145
data source 149
display details 145
element 153
entity 151
error list 145
extended link 162
extended object 162
extension 163
file 150
group 155
group particle 147
import 158
include 152
key 159
keyRef 160
levels of problem severity 140
manual correction 145
model 148
namespaces 148
notation 156
object selection 141
objects 147
re-check 145
redefine 158
replication 163
restriction 163
shortcut 148
simple type 152
simple type list 164
simple type union 165
target namespace 148
unique 161
child element 52
choice 53
collapse 34
collapse tab 55
compare XML models 179
complex content 101
complex type 92
attributes properties 94
complex type (continued)
block 94
check 152
complex content 101
content 93
create complex type 96
detail properties 94
final 94
general properties 93
global 92
local 92
mapping properties 95
mixed 94
simple content 100
stereotype 93
constraint 64
content 37, 93
context node 70
convert local to global object 177
convert unique references 208
DAD file 237
data source 166
check 149
create data source 166
model type 166
models 166
data type
attribute 48
attribute check 156
complex type 92
complex type display preference 96
complex type restriction 111
element 37
element check 153
extension 102
external shortcut 87
simple type 89
simple type list 112
simple type list check 164
simple type restriction 104
simple type union 113
simple type union check 165
DAD file 237
IBM DB2 237
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 217