Configuration and Use Manual 137
Connecting with ProLink II Software
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Figure D-2 HART/Bell 202 connections to HART clips
3. Add resistance as required. The HART signal converter must be connected across a resistance
of 250–600 Ω. To meet the resistance requirements, you may use any combination of resistors
R1, R2, and R3 (see Figure D-1).
4. Start ProLink II. In the Connection menu, click
Connect to Device.
5. In the screen that appears:
a. Set
Protocol to HART Bell 202. Baud rate, Stop bits, and Parity are automatically set to
the values required by HART protocol.
b. If you are using a USB signal converter, enable
Converter Toggles RTS.
c. Set the
Address or Tag value to the HART address or software tag configured for the
transmitter. The default HART address is 0. See Section 3.3 for information on the HART
address and software tag.
d. Set the
Serial Port value to the PC COM port assigned to this connection.
e. Set
Master as appropriate:
• If another host such as a DCS is on the network, set
Master to Secondary.
• If no other host is on the network, set
Master to Primary.
Note: The 375 Field Communicator is not a host.
Note: The ProLink II HART master implementation does not perform bus arbitration. If another
device is on the HART bus, ProLink II will not connect to the transmitter.
Note: ProLink II will not connect to the transmitter if burst mode is enabled on the transmitter. For
information about burst mode, see Section 6.3.4.
6. Click
Connect. The software will attempt to make the connection.
Note: Additional resistance may be required. See Step 3.
Connection is