Configuration and Use Manual 105
Operation AppendicesMaintenance and TroubleshootingCommissioning
10.7 Low power and mA fault action
If the A031 (low power) alarm appears and disappears frequently, check the mA Fault Action setting
and the power supply to the transmitter. If the transmitter is operating near the limit of its power
requirement, and mA Fault Action is set to Upscale, the mA output will be set to a high value when
the alarm occurs, and the extra power may be enough to correct the problem temporarily.
If the transmitter is spontaneously powering down and restarting, check the mA Fault Action setting
and the power supply to the transmitter. If the transmitter is operating near the limit of its power
requirement and mA Fault Action is set to Downscale, the mA output will be set to a low value when
the alarm occurs, and the drop in power may be enough to cause a powerdown.
To correct these problems:
• Increase the power supply to the transmitter if possible. Ensure that the transmitter is operating
within the range specified in the transmitter installation manual.
• Remove gas from the process fluid.
10.8 Fault conditions
If the mA output or digital communications is performing its fault action, determine the exact nature
of the fault by viewing the status alarms. Once you have identified the status alarm(s) associated with
the fault condition, refer to Section 10.12.
Some fault conditions can be corrected by cycling power to the transmitter. A power cycle can clear
the following:
• Loop test
• Zero failure
• Stopped internal totalizer
10.9 HART output problems
HART output problems include inconsistent or unexpected behavior that does not trigger status
alarms. For example, the Communicator might show incorrect units of measure or respond sluggishly.
If you experience HART output problems:
• Verify that the transmitter configuration is correct.
• If Burst Mode is enabled:
- Consider disabling Burst Mode.
- Use a different communication tool.
- Try a different modem. Consider a USB HART modem.
- Ensure that the modem is controlling the RTS line.
If you discover that the configuration is incorrect, change the necessary transmitter settings.
If you confirm that all the settings are correct, but the unexpected outputs continue, the transmitter or
sensor could require service. See Section 10.3.