Configuration and Use Manual 113
Operation AppendicesMaintenance and TroubleshootingCommissioning
10.14 Diagnosing wiring problems
Use the procedures in this section to check the transmitter installation for wiring problems.
10.14.1 Checking the power supply wiring
To check the power supply wiring:
1. Verify that the power supply wires are making good contact, and are not clamped to the wire
2. Verify that the supply voltage to the loop is in conformance with the power supply
requirements specified in the transmitter installation manual.
10.14.2 Checking grounding
The sensor / transmitter assembly must be grounded. See your sensor installation manual for
grounding requirements and instructions.
10.14.3 Checking the HART communication loop
To check the HART communication loop:
1. Verify that the loop wires are connected as shown in the wiring diagrams in the transmitter
installation manual.
2. If a barrier or the Micro Motion adapter-barrier is installed:
• Ensure that the active/passive power configuration of the barrier matches the wiring. If
external power is being used, verify the power supply to the barrier.
• Test HART communications on both sides of the barrier, and verify that the barrier is
capable of passing HART communication signals.
3. If you are connecting directly to the HART clips, ensure that there is no loop resistance on
these terminals.
If your HART network is more complex than the wiring diagrams in the transmitter installation
manual, either:
• Contact Micro Motion.
• Contact the HART Communication Foundation or refer to the HART Application Guide,
available from the HART Communication Foundation on the Internet at www.hartcomm.org.
10.15 Checking the communication device
Ensure that your communication device is compatible with your transmitter.
The 375 Field Communicator is required, and must contain the appropriate device description. The
device description for the Model 2400S transmitter with analog outputs is as follows:
Micro Motion 2200S Analog dev rev 1 DD rev 1
To check the device descriptions:
1. Turn on the Communicator, but do not connect it to the transmitter.
2. When the words
No device found appear, press OK.
3. Select