Norge +47 81 5 30 222 Risløkkvn. 2 , 0508 Oslo
Österreich +43 18 66 400 Herziggasse 9, 1230 Wien
Polska +48 22 43 47 300 ul. Kolejowa 5/7, Warszawa
Portugal +35 12 14 40 39 39 Quinta da Fonte - Edificio Gon-
çalves Zarco - Q 35 -2774-518
Paço de Arcos
Romania +40 21 451 20 30 Str. Garii Progresului 2, S4,
040671 RO
Schweiz - Suisse - Svizzera +41 62 88 99 111 Industriestrasse 10, CH-5506
Slovenija +38 61 24 25 731 Gerbičeva ulica 98, 1000 Ljubl-
Slovensko +421 2 43 33 43 22 Electrolux Slovakia s.r.o., Elec-
trolux Domáce spotrebiče SK,
Seberíniho 1, 821 03 Bratislava
Suomi www.electrolux.fi
Sverige +46 (0)771 76 76 76 Electrolux Service, S:t Görans-
gatan 143, S-105 45 Stockholm
Türkiye +90 21 22 93 10 25 Tarlabaşı caddesi no : 35 Tak-
sim İstanbul
Россия +7 495 937 7837 129090 Москва,
Олимпийский проспект, 16,
БЦ "Олимпик"
Україна +380 44 586 20 60 04074 Київ,
вул.Автозаводська, 2а, БЦ
Consumer services
In the event of technical faults, you should
first check whether you can remedy the
problem with the help of the instructions in
the section "What to do if…".
If you are unable to remedy the problem
yourself, contact the Customer Care Depart-
ment or one of our authorised dealers.
So that we can help you quickly, we will need
the following information:
• Model description
• Product number (PNC)
• Serial number
(for numbers see the rating plate)
•Type of fault
• Any error message displayed by the appli-
Note down the relevant numbers from your
appliance here, so that you always have
them on hand when needed:
Model description: .....................................
Prod. No. (PNC): .....................................
Serial No.: .....................................
40 electrolux