Au Gratin
Type Ovenware Accessories Notes
- Heat-resistant dish Shelf Sprinkle with Parmesan
cheese towards the
end of the baking time.
Fresh Pizza
Type Ovenware Accessories Notes
Thick - Tray Thick crust, lots of top-
ping (American style)
Thin - Tray Thin crust, little topping
(Italian style)
Calzone - Tray
Frozen Pizza
Type Ovenware Accessories Notes
Parbaked - Tray Pizza base, partially
baked, without addi-
tional topping
Not parbaked - Tray without extra topping
Calzone - Tray -
Fresh Pizza parbaked
Type Ovenware Accessories Notes
- - Tray -
Pizza Snack
Type Ovenware Accessories Notes
- - Tray -
Manual baking and roasting
In case you wish to prepare meals with man-
ual settings, the following tables and tips pro-
vide useful information. In the tables you will
find a selection of dishes with the appropriate
Oven levels
• Baking with Conventional Cooking is only
possible on one level.
• When baking with Fan Cooking , one to
three baking trays can be put into the oven
at the same time:
1 tray, e.g. oven level 3
1 cake in cake tin, e.g. oven level 1
electrolux 21