2 tray, e.g. oven levels 1 and 3
3 trays, oven levels 1, 3 and 5
Baking tins
• Baking tins made from dark-coloured met-
al with Teflon coating are suitable for bak-
ing using Conventional Cooking.
• For baking using the Fan Cooking function,
baking tins made of shiny light-coloured
metal are suitable.
• Baking tins of dark metal with antistick
coating are inserted on grid. Baking tins of
light metal are inserted on baking tray
General instructions
• Insert the tray with the bevel at the front.
• When baking using Conventional Cooking
and Fan Cooking, you can also place two
baking trays next to one another on one
level. This does not significantly affect the
baking time.
When frozen items are placed on baking
trays, they can buckle during cooking.
This happens due to the large difference
in temperature between the frozen item
and the oven. After cooling, the buckling
in the trays disappears.
How to use the Baking Tables
• The tables give the required temperature
settings, cooking times and oven levels for
a selection of typical dishes.
• Temperatures and baking times are for
guidance only, as these will depend on the
consistency of pastry, dough or mixture,
the amount and the type of baking tin.
• We recommend setting the oven to a lower
temperature for the first time and only set-
ting a higher temperature when required,
e.g. if you require more browning or if the
baking is taking too long.
• If you cannot find the settings for a certain
recipe, look for similar items.
• The baking time can be 10-15 minutes
longer when baking cakes on trays or in
tins on multiple levels.
• Recipes with moist ingredients such as
pizzas or fruit flans are to be baked on one
• Cakes and pastries at different heights
may brown at an uneven rate at first. You
should not change the temperature setting
if this occurs. Different rates of browning
even out as baking progresses.
• Baking and roasting times could differ from
those of your previous oven. For this rea-
son you should adjust the settings you
usually use (temperature, cooking times,
etc.) and oven levels to the recommenda-
tions provided in the following tables.
Unless otherwise stated, the values given in
the tables assume that cooking is started
with the oven cold.
Baking Tables
Baking in tins (on one level)
Type of baking Heating Func-
Level Temperature
Time (h:min)
Ring Cake or Brioche Fan Cooking 1 150 - 160 0:50 - 1:10
Madeira Cake/Fruit Cake Fan Cooking 1 150 - 160 1:10 - 1:30
Sponge Cake Fan Cooking 1 140 1:10 - 1:30
Sponge Cake Conventional
1 160 1:10 - 1:30
Flan base - shortcrust pastry
Fan Cooking 3 170-180 0:10 - 0:25
Flan base - sponge mixture Fan Cooking 3 150 - 170 0:20 - 0:25
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