Wind Buffeting
Wind buffeting can be described as the perception of
pressure on the ears or a helicopter-type sound in the
ears. Your vehicle may exhibit wind buffeting with the
windows down, or the sunroof (if equipped) in certain
open or partially open positions. This is a normal occur-
rence and can be minimized. If the buffeting occurs with
the rear windows open, open the front and rear windows
together to minimize the buffeting. If the buffeting occurs
with the sunroof open, adjust the sunroof opening to
minimize the buffeting.
The sliding door may be opened from the inside or the
outside. Pull outward on exterior handle to open the
sliding door. The sliding door inside handle functions by
rocking forward and back. Rocking the handle back-
wards opens the door and rocking forward releases the
hold open latch in order to close the door.
To keep your door operating properly, observe the fol-
lowing guidelines:
Always open the door smoothly.
Avoid high impacts against the door stop when open-
ing the door. This is very important when your vehicle
is parked on an incline as the door will slide faster in
the downhill direction.
There is a hold-open latch that is activated when the
sliding door is fully opened. This latch will keep your
sliding door open on any incline. To close the sliding
door after the hold-open latch is activated, you must
rock the inside handle forward or pull outward on the
outside handle.
Always make sure that the sliding door is fully latched
anytime the vehicle is in motion.