Two outboard mesh pockets are on intermediate seating.
The mesh pockets are flexible enough to hold juice boxes,
toys, games or MP3 players, etc.
Smoker’s Package Kit — If Equipped
With the optional authorized dealer-installed Smoker’s
Package Kit, a removable ash receiver is inserted into one
of the two cupholders in the center front instrument
panel. To install the ash receiver, align the receiver so the
thumb grip on the lid is facing rearward. Press the ash
receiver into either of the cup wells to secure. Pull
upward on the ash receiver to remove for cleaning
and/or storage.
The left rear trim panel cupholder is designed to accom-
modate a second ash receiver, if desired.
Glove Compartments
There are both upper and lower glove compartments.
Upper Glove Compartment
To open the upper compartment, press in on the upper
latch. The door will spring open about 1 in (2.54 cm).
Manually lift the front edge of the door upward until
fully opened and the detent is engaged.
To close the compartment door, firmly push downward
on the door’s surface to release the detent and latch the
door closed.