Door Alert
When this feature is selected the signal lamps activate
when power or manual sliding doors are in operation,
signaling other drivers that someone may be exiting or
entering the vehicle.
Sound Horn with Remote Key Lock
When ON is selected, a short horn sound will occur when
the RKE transmitter LOCK button is pressed. This feature
may be selected with or without the Flash Lights with
Remote Key Lock feature. To make your selection, press
and release the RESET button until ON or OFF appears.
Turn Headlights On with Remote Key Unlock
When this feature is selected, the headlights will activate,
and remain on for up to 90 seconds, when the doors are
unlocked with the RKE transmitter. To make your selec-
tion, press and release the RESET button until OFF,
30 sec., 60 sec., or 90 sec. appears.
Automatic High Beams — If Equipped
When this feature is selected, the high beam headlights
will deactivate automatically under certain conditions. To
make your selection, press and release the RESET button
until “ON” or “OFF” appears. Refer to “SmartBeams” in
Section 3.
Rain Sensing Intermittent Wipers — If Equipped
When ON is selected, the system will automatically
activate the windshield wipers if it senses moisture on
the windshield. To make your selection, press and release
the RESET button until “ON” or “OFF” appears. When
OFF is selected, the system reverts to the standard
intermittent wiper operation.