All vehicles built over 10,000 lbs. (4 535 kg) Gross Vehicle
Weight Rating and manufactured for sale and use in the
United States are required to comply with the Federal
Government’s Exterior Noise Regulations. These vehicles
can be identified by the Noise Emission Control Label
located in the operator’s compartment.
Required Maintenance For Noise Control Systems
The following maintenance services must be performed
every 6 months or 6,000 miles (9 600 km) whichever
comes first, to assure proper operation of the noise
control systems. In addition, inspection and service
should be performed anytime a malfunction is observed
or suspected. Proper maintenance of the entire vehicle
will help the effectiveness of the noise control systems.
Exhaust System
Inspect the entire exhaust system for leaks and damaged
parts. Devices such as hangers, clamps, and U-bolts
should be tight and in good condition. Damaged compo-
nents, burned or blown out mufflers, burned or rusted
out exhaust pipes should be replaced according to the
procedures and specifications outlined in the appropriate
service manual.