Manual Compass Calibration
NOTE: To ensure proper compass calibration, make
sure the compass variance is properly set before manu-
ally calibrating the compass.
If the compass appears erratic and the CAL symbol does
not appear, you must manually put the compass into the
“Calibration” mode.
Recalibrating The Compass
Turn on the ignition and set the display to “Compass/
Temperature.” Press and hold the RESET button to
change the display between VAR (compass variance) and
CAL (compass calibration) modes. When the CAL sym-
bol is displayed slowly drive the vehicle 5 mph in a
complete 360° circle in an area free from large metal
objects or power lines. The CAL symbol will turn off and
the compass will function normally.
Compass Variance is the difference between magnetic
north and geographic north. In some areas of the country,
the difference between magnetic and geographic north is
great enough to cause the compass to give false readings.
If this occurs, the compass variance must be set according
to the Compass Variance Map.