Automatic Transmission Fluid and Filter Change
Follow the Maintenance Schedule for recommended
transmission fluid and filter change intervals.
NOTE: If the transmission is disassembled for any
reason, the fluid and filter should be changed.
Special Additives
The manufacturer recommends against the addition of
any additives to the transmission. Exception to this
policy is the use of special dyes to aid in detecting fluid
leaks. The use of transmission sealers should be avoided,
since they may adversely affect seals.
Automatic Transmission (Diesel Engine Only)
Selection Of Lubricant
Refer to Fluids, Lubricants and Genuine Parts for the
correct lubricant type. It is important that the transmis-
sion fluid be maintained at the prescribed level using the
recommended fluid.
Using a transmission fluid other than the manufac-
turers recommended fluid may cause deterioration in
transmission shift quality and/or torque converter
shudder. Using a transmission fluid other than the
manufacturers recommended fluid will result in se-
rious damage to the transmission. Refer to Fluids,
Lubricants and Genuine Parts for correct fluid type.
Fluid Level Check – AS68RC Transmission
Check the fluid level while the transmission is at normal
operating temperature 167° F (76° C). This occurs after at
least 15 mi (25 km) of driving. At normal operating
temperature the fluid cannot be held comfortably be-
tween the fingertips.