Children Too Large for Booster Seats
Children who are large enough to wear the shoulder belt
comfortably, and whose legs are long enough to bend
over the front of the seat when their back is against the
seat back should use the lap/shoulder belt in a rear seat.
Make sure that the child is upright in the seat.
The lap portion should be low on the hips and as snug
as possible.
Check belt fit periodically. A child’s squirming or
slouching can move the belt out of position.
If the shoulder belt contacts the face or neck, move the
child closer to the center of the vehicle. Never allow a
child to put the shoulder belt under an arm or behind
their back.
The engine in your new SRT-10 does not require a long
break-in period. Following these few simple guidelines is
all that is necessary for a good break-in:
For the first 500 miles (800 km):
Keep your vehicle speed below the legal, posted speed
limit and your engine speed below 4,000 rpm.
Avoid driving at a constant speed, either fast or slow,
for long periods of time.
Do not make any full throttle starts and avoid full
throttle acceleration.
Use the proper gear for your speed range.
Wait until the engine has reached normal operating
temperature before driving at the recommended maxi-
mum break-in speed.
Avoid excessive idling.