Engine Oil Identification (API) Symbol
There is a symbol to aid you in selecting the proper
engine oil.
This symbol means that the oil has
been certified by the American
Petroleum Institute (API). We
only recommend synthetic API
Certified engine oils, such as Mo-
bil 1, that meet the requirements
of Material Standard MS-10725.
Use Mopar or an equivalent oil
meeting the specification MS-
Engine Oil Viscosity Chart
The proper SAE viscosity grade of engine oil should be
selected based on the following recommendation and be
within the operating temperature shown in the engine oil
viscosity chart.
Synthetic Engine Oils
There are a number of engine oils being promoted as
either synthetic or semi-synthetic. If you chose to use
such a product, use only those oils that meet the Ameri-
can Petroleum Institute (API) and SAE viscosity stan-
dard. Follow the service schedule that describes your
driving type.