Disposal Of Used Engine Coolant
Used ethylene glycol based engine coolant is a regulated
substance requiring proper disposal. Check with your
local authorities to determine the disposal rules for your
community. Do not store ethylene glycol-based engine
coolant in open containers or allow it to remain in
puddles on the ground. Prevent ingestion by animals and
children. If ingested by a child, contact a physician
immediately. Clean up any ground spills immediately.
Coolant Pressure Cap
The coolant pressure cap must be fully tightened to
prevent the loss of coolant and to insure that the coolant
will return to the radiator from the coolant reserve tank.
The pressure cap should be inspected and cleaned if there
is any accumulation of foreign material on the sealing
The warning words “DO NOT OPEN HOT” on the
radiator pressure cap are a safety precaution. Heat
causes pressure to build up in the cooling system. To
prevent scalding or injury, do not remove the pres-
sure cap.
Hoses And Vacuum/Vapor Harnesses
Inspect surfaces of hoses and nylon tubing for evidence
of heat and mechanical damage. Hard or soft spots,
brittle rubber, cracking, tears, cuts, abrasions, and exces-
sive swelling indicate deterioration of the rubber.
Pay particular attention to those hoses nearest to high
heat sources such as the exhaust manifold. Inspect hose
routing to be sure hoses do not come in contact with any
heat source or moving component which may cause heat
damage or mechanical wear.