
User Name Enter the user name as provided to you by your ISP.
Password Enter The PPPoE user name provided to you by your ISP.
Retype Password Retype the password entered in the previous field.
Auth Server Enter the name of the Authentication Server as provided to you
by your ISP. This is the computer that will accept your user
name and password to be authenticated on the network.
Auto Reconnect Checking the Enabled radio button will allow the router to
reconnect to the network automatically if it becomes
MAC Address The default MAC Address is set to the WAN’s physical interface
MAC address on the Broadband Router. It is not recommended
that you change the default MAC address unless required by
your ISP.
Clone MAC Address The default MAC address is set to the WAN’s physical interface
MAC address on the Broadband Router. You can use the
Clone MAC Address button to copy the MAC address of the
Ethernet Card installed by your ISP and replace the WAN MAC
address with the MAC address of the router. It is not
recommended that you change the default MAC address unless
required by your ISP.
MTU Enter an MTU value only if required by your ISP. Otherwise,
leave it at the default setting.