
client implementation of this function, please see the user
manual for the associated client PC)
Wireless Radio Click the appropriate radio button to enable or disable the
Wireless Access part of this device.
SSID Service Set Identifier (SSID) is the name designated for a spe-
cific wireless local area network (WLAN). The SSID’s factory
default setting is DI-524UP. The SSID can be easily changed to
connect to an existing wireless network or to establish a new
wireless network. This field will be automatically configured for
users who have uploaded a WCN configuration.
Channel What channels are available for use by the access point
depends on the local regulatory environment. Remember that
all devices communicating with the device must use the same
channel (and use the same SSID). Use the drop-down menu to
select the channel used for your 802.11b wireless LAN.
Authentication This router employs three basic types of Authentication for
access to the router’s wireless network, Open System/Shared
Key 802.1X (RADIUS) and PSK (Pre-Shared Key), which can
be selected by clicking the corresponding radio button. Each
selection will alter the window to accommodate the entry of the
selected Authentication. See the explanation below for more
Open System/Shared Key
The Open System/Shared Key choice for Authentication will produce the same window
for the user’s configuration. The Open System choice is for general use and utilizes the
basic WEP encryption. The Shared Key choice is used between cooperating devices
that share a common encryption key. WEP (Wireless Encryption Protocol or Wired
Equivalent Privacy) encryption can be enabled for security and privacy. WEP encrypts
the data portion of each frame transmitted from the wireless adapter using one of the
predefined keys. Decryption of the data contained in each packet can only be done if
the both the receiver and transmitter have the correct shared key.