462 Green Ethernet Commands
Tw_sys_rx Echo
Integer that indicates the remote systems Receive Tw_sys that
was used by the local system to compute the Tw_sys that it can
support. This value maps into the
aLldpXdot3LocRxTwSysEcho attribute.
Fallback Tw_sys
Integer that indicates the value of fallback Tw_sys that the local
system requests from the remote system. This value is updated
by the local system software.
Remote Tw_sys_tx
Integer that indicates the value of Tw_sys that the remote
system can support. This value maps from the
aLldpXdot3RemTxTwSys attribute.
Remote Tw_sys
Echo (μSec)
Integer that indicates the value Transmit Tw_sys echoed back
by the remote system. This value maps from the
aLldpXdot3RemTxTwSysEcho attribute.
Remote Tw_sys_rx
Integer that indicates the value of Tw_sys that the remote
system requests from the local system. This value maps from
the aLldpXdot3RemRxTwSys attribute.
Remote Tw_sys_rx
Echo (μSec)
Integer that indicates the value of Receive Tw_sys echoed back
by the remote system. This value maps from the
aLldpXdot3RemRxTwSysEcho attribute.
Remote Fallback
Tw _s ys (μSec)
Integer that indicates the value of fallback Tw_sys that the
remote system is advertising.This attribute maps to the variable
RemFbSystemValue as defined in
Tx_dll_enabled Initialization status of the EEE transmit Data Link Layer
management function on the local system.
Tx_dll_ready Data Link Layer ready: This variable indicates that the tx
system initialization is complete and is ready to update/receive
LLDPDU containing EEE TLV. This variable is updated by the
local system software.
Rx_dll_enabled Status of the EEE capability negotiation on the local system.
Rx_dll_ready Data Link Layer ready: This variable indicates that the rx
system initialization is complete and is ready to update/receive
LLDPDU containing EEE TLV. This variable is updated by the
local system software.
Power Saving (%) Percentage of Power saved by enabling EEE on the interface
since EEE counters are last cleared.
Term Description
2CSPC4.XCT-SWUM2XX1.book Page 462 Monday, October 3, 2011 11:05 AM