264 AAA Commands
console(config)#username test password xxxxPassword
level 1 encrypted
console(config)#username test password xxxxPassword
level 1
console(config)#username test password testPassword
console(config)#username test password testPassword
username unlock
Use the username unlock command in Global Configuration mode to unlock
a locked user account. Only a user with read/write access can re-activate a
locked user account.
Reason behind the failure 1
Exceeds Minimum Length of a Password.
Password should be in the range of 8-64
characters in length. Set minimum password
length to 0 by using the passwords min-length
0 command.
Password should contain Minimum
< nu mb e r > u ppe r c a s e- l e t t e r s ,
<number> lowercase-letters, <number>
numeric numbers,
<n um b e r > s p e ci a l c h a r ac t e r s a nd
< n u m b e r > c h a r a c t e r c l a s s e s a n d
Maximum limit of <number> consecutive
alphabetic and numeric
Ma x i mu m r ep e t it i o n o f < nu mb e r >
alphabetic and number characters.
Pa s s w o rd s ho ul d no t co nt a i n t h e
k e y wo r d s < ke y w o rd 1 > , < ke y w o r d2 >
a n d < ke y w o r d 3> i n a n y fo r m ( r ev e r s e d ,
substring or case-insensitive).
Message Type Message Description
2CSPC4.XCT-SWUM2XX1.book Page 264 Monday, October 3, 2011 11:05 AM