DHCP Layer 2 Relay Commands 335
Gi1/0/2 Enabled untrusted
Gi1/0/4 Disabled trusted
VLAN Id L2 Relay CircuitId RemoteId
--------- ---------- ----------- ------------
3 Disabled Enabled --NULL--
5 Enabled Enabled --NULL--
6 Enabled Enabled broadcom
7 Enabled Disabled --NULL--
8 Enabled Disabled --NULL--
9 Enabled Disabled --NULL--
10 Enabled Disabled --NULL--
show dhcp l2relay interface
Use the show dhcp l2relay interface command in Privileged EXEC mode to
display DHCP L2 Relay configuration specific to interfaces.
show dhcp l2relay interface {all |
Parameter Description
Default Configuration
This command has no default configuration.
Parameter Description
all Show all interfaces.
interface-id A physical interface.
2CSPC4.XCT-SWUM2XX1.book Page 335 Monday, October 3, 2011 11:05 AM