Configuring IP Multicast 749
Number of Groups
— The current number of multicast group entries for the IGMP Proxy interface in
the cache table.
— The version of IGMP configured on the IGMP Proxy interface.
Unsolicited Report Interval
— The Unsolicited Report Interval is the time between repetitions of a
host's initial report of membership in a group. Default: 1 second.
Version 1 Querier Timeout
— The older IGMP version 1 querier timeout value in seconds. The Older
Version Querier Interval is the time-out for transitioning a host back to IGMPv3 mode once an older
version query is heard. When an older version query is received, hosts set their Older Version Querier
Present Timer to Older Version Querier Interval.
Version 2 Querier Timeout
— The older IGMP version 2 querier timeout value in seconds.
Proxy Start Frequency
— The number of times the proxy was brought up.
Proxy Interface Statistics
— The Queries Received, Reports Received/Sent, Leaves Received/Sent
Displaying IGMP Proxy Interface Configurations Using CLI Commands
For information about the CLI commands that perform this function, see the following chapter in the
CLI Reference Guide:
• IGMP Proxy Commands
The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for this feature.
IGMP Proxy Interface Membership Info
Use the IGMP Proxy Interface Membership Info
page to display interface membership data for a
specific IP multicast group address. You must have configured at least one router interface before you can
display interface membership information, and it should not be an IGMP routing interface. Also, if no
group membership reports have been received on the selected interface, no data displays on this page.
To display the page, click IPv4 Multicast
Proxy Interface
Interface Membership Info in
the tree view.
Table 12-20. IGMP Proxy Interface Summary Commands
CLI Command Description
show ip igmp-proxy Displays a summary of the host interface status parameters.