Configuring Switching Information 381
GVRP Parameters
The GARP VLAN Registration Protocol provides a mechanism that allows networking switches to
dynamically register (and de-register) VLAN membership information with the MAC networking
switches attached to the same segment, and for that information to be disseminated across all
networking switches in the bridged LAN that support GVRP.
The operation of GVRP relies upon the services provided by the Generic Attribute Registration Protocol
(GARP). GVRP can create up to 1024 VLANs.
Use the GVRP Global Parameters page to enable GVRP globally. You can also enable GVRP on a per-
interface basis.
To display the GVRP Global Parameters page, click Switching
GVRP Parameters in the tree
Figure 7-65. GVRP Global Parameters
The GVRP Global Parameters page contains the following fields:
GVRP Global Status
— Enables or disables GVRP on the switch. GVRP is disabled by default.
— Specifies the Unit and Port or LAG for which GVRP is enabled.
GVRP State
— Enables or disables GVRP on the specified interface.
Dynamic VLAN Creation
— Enables or disables VLAN creation through GVRP.
GVRP Registration
— Enables or disables GVRP Registration.
Enabling GVRP On the Switch
Open the
GVRP Global Parameters