Configuring Routing 569
RIP Route Redistribution Configuration
Use the RIP Route Redistribution Configuration
page to configure the RIP Route Redistribution
parameters. The allowable values for each fields are displayed next to the field. If any invalid values are
entered, an alert message is displayed with the list of all the valid values.
Static Reject Routes
A static reject route is a static route to discard the packets to a particular destination, thereby forcing a
black-hole routing behavior for a particular set of IP prefixes. Static reject routes can help prevent a
routing loop in the network if a default route is configured on a router. Static reject routes also help
protect against a DOS attack on a router with unwanted destination addresses.
NOTE: Static reject routes are not redistributed by OSPF or RIP.
Starting with software release 3.0, you can select Static Reject as a route type from the Route Type field
on the following pages under the Routing
Router menu:
• Route Entry Configuration
• Configured Routes
NOTE: For a static reject route, the next hop interface value is Null0. Packets to the network address specified in
static reject routes are intentionally dropped.
To display the page, click Routing
Route Redistribution Configuration in the tree view.
Figure 9-31. RIP Route Redistribution Configuration
The RIP Route Redistribution Configuration page contains the following fields:
Table 9-27. RIP Interface Summary Command
CLI Command Description
show ip rip interface brief Displays general information for each RIP interface.