212 Configuring System Information
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Figure 6-62. SNMPv1, 2 Community
SNMPv1, 2 Community
page contains the following fields:
OOB Management Station
Select this checkbox to create a separate SNMP community for the
Out-of-Band port. If this checkbox is not selected, the device is accessed by the management
station via the inband ports.
SNMP Management Station
— Contains a list of management station IP address. for which
community strings have been defined.
NOTE: Only superusers can use the same community to configure Out-of-Band and inband ports.
Community String
— Contains a list of user-defined community strings that act as a password and
are used to authenticate the SNMP management station to the device. A community string can
contain a maximum of 20 characters.
— Enables
SNMP Basic mode for the selected community. The possible field values are:
Access Mode
— Defines the access rights of the community. The possible field values are:
— Management access is restricted to read-only, and changes cannot be made
to the community.
— Management access is read-write and changes can be made to the device
configuration, but not to the community.
— User has access to all device configuration options as well as rights to
modifying the community.