144 Configuring System Information
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Defining IP Interfaces
IP Interface Parameters
page contains parameters for assigning IP addresses to interfaces.
To open the
IP Interface Parameters
page, click
IP Addressing
Interface Parameters
the tree view.
Figure 6-24. IP Interface Parameters
IP Interface Parameters
page contains the following fields:
IP Address
— The interface IP address.
Prefix Length
— The number of bits that comprise the source IP address prefix, or the network
mask of the source IP address.
— The interface type for which the IP address is defined. The possible field values are
, or
For information about configuring Link Aggregated Groups
(LAGs), see "Aggregating Ports." For
information about configuring VLANs, see "Configuring VLANs."
Ty pe
— Indicates whether or not the IP address was configured statically.
Forward Directed IP Broadcasts
— Enables the translation of a directed broadcast to physical
broadcasts. Disabling drops IP-directed broadcasts and does not forward them.
Broadcast Type
— Defines an interface broadcast address.
One Fill
indicates the interface broadcast address is one fill (
Zero Fill
indicates the interface broadcast address is zero fill (