128 Configuring System Information
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TACACS+ servers can be defined on in-band ports using
TACACS+ Settings
page or on the out-
of-band port.
The TACACS+ protocol ensures network integrity through encrypted protocol exchanges between
the device and TACACS+ server.
OOB TACACS+ Settings
page contains both user-defined and the default TACACS+
settings for the Out-of-Band management port.
To open the
OOB TACACS+ Settings
page, click
in the
tree view.
Figure 6-18. OOB TACACS+ Settings
OOB TACACS+ Settings
page contains the following fields:
Host IP Address
— Specifies the TACACS+ Server IP address.
Priority (0-65535)
— Specifies the order in which the TACACS+ servers are used. The default is 0.
Source IP Address
— The device source IP address used for the TACACS+ session between the
device and the TACACS+ server.
Key String (0-128 Characters)
— Defines the authentication and encryption key for TACACS+
communications between the device and the TACACS+ server. This key must match the
encryption used on the TACACS+ server.
Authentication Port (0-65535)
— The port number through which the TACACS+ session occurs.
The default is port 49.
Reply Timeout (1-30)
— The amount of time that passes before the connection between the
device and the TACACS+ server times out. The field range is 1-30 seconds.