Understanding Printer Messages 447
031-535 Unable to delete a file on the SMB server. Select Close, or wait for 60 seconds for the printer to recover.
Check if other user is not operating file in storage location you specified.
031-536 Unable to delete a folder on the SMB server. Select
Close, or wait for 60 seconds for the printer to recover.
Check if other user is not operating file in storage location you specified.
031-537 SMB server capacity exceeded. Select
Close, or wait for 60 seconds for the printer to recover. Check if
storage location has free space.
031-539 The specified SMB server is invalid. Select
Close, or wait for 60 seconds for the printer to recover. Check
if server name is correct.
031-540 The specified domain name is invalid. Select
Close, or wait for 60 seconds for the printer to recover.
Check if domain name is correct.
031-541 Invalid user name specified for SMB server. Select
Close, or wait for 60 seconds for the printer to recover.
Check if login name (user name) is correct.
031-542 TCP/IP not initialized. Select
Close, or wait for 60 seconds for the printer to recover. Wait for a while and
try the same operation again. Contact customer support if this failure is repeated.
031-543 SMB server login error. Select
Close, or wait for 60 seconds for the printer to recover. Check login
permitted time with your system administrator.
031-544 SMB server login error. (Expired password.) Select
Close, or wait for 60 seconds for the printer to recover.
Check the password valid period with your system administrator.
031-545 SMB server login error. (Password change required.) Select
Close, or wait for 60 seconds for the printer to
recover. Check necessity of password change with your system administrator.
031-546 SMB server login error. (Invalid user is specified.) Select
Close, or wait for 60 seconds for the printer to
recover. Contact your system administrator for the destination server settings.
031-547 SMB server login error. (The specified user is restricted from accessing the SMB server.) Select
Close, or
wait for 60 seconds for the printer to recover. Contact your system administrator for the destination server
031-548 SMB server login error. (Logon time of SMB destination expired.) Select
Close, or wait for 60 seconds for
the printer to recover. Contact your system administrator for the destination server settings.
031-549 SMB server login error. Specified user is restricted, and a null password is prohibited. Select
Close, or wait
for 60 seconds for the printer to recover. On server security settings, check access permission of null
password user.
031-550 Append command not supported by SMB server. Select
Close, or wait for 60 seconds for the printer to
recover. Check if the printer has access rights to append data to the SMB server. Check if server supports
SMB append command.
031-551 Rename command not supported by SMB server. Select
Close, or wait for 60 seconds for the printer to
recover. Check if the printer has access rights to rename data on the SMB server. Check if server supports
SMB append command.
031-552 Job canceled. Select
Close, or wait for 60 seconds for the printer to recover. Change the file name that
already exists on FTP server.
031-574 Unable to resolve the FTP server hostname. Select
Close, or wait for 60 seconds for the printer to recover.
Check DNS connection, or check if name of forwarding destination server is registered with DNS.
031-575 Unable to resolve the FTP server hostname. Select
Close, or wait for 60 seconds for the printer to recover.
Set DNS address, or set forwarding destination server address as IP address.
031-576 Unable to connect to the FTP server. Select
Close, or wait for 60 seconds for the printer to recover. Check
if the printer communicates with forwarding destination FTP server. For example, check connection of
Ethernet cable and if the IP address of the server is correct.
031-578 FTP server login error. Select
Close, or wait for 60 seconds for the printer to recover. Check if login name
(user name) and password are correct.
Error-Code What you can do