
i) INSTALL software environments
l) LIST registered clients
m) MODIFY a client
r) REMOVE a client
s) SHOW software environments
Enter your choice:
5. Enter r to select REMOVE a client, and follow the instructions in
Section 12.6. You see the DMU Main Menu again.
6. Enter a to select ADD a client, and follow the instructions in
Section 12.2.
7. Restart the DMS client.
12.6 Removing a Client
Follow these steps to remove a client from a DMS environment:
1. Log in to the DMS client as root or use the su command to gain
superuser privileges.
2. Use the shutdown -h command to shut down the DMS client.
3. Log in to the DMS server as root or use the su command to gain
superuser privileges.
4. Enter /usr/sbin/dmu to start the dmu utility. You see the DMU Main
*** DMU Main Menu ***
a) ADD a client
c) CONFIGURE software environments
d) DELETE software environments
i) INSTALL software environments
l) LIST registered clients
m) MODIFY a client
r) REMOVE a client
s) SHOW software environments
Enter your choice:
5. Enter r to select REMOVE a client. You see the following prompt:
You have chosen to remove a client from the remote
dataless service.
Enter the client processors hostname or press RETURN to quit:
Managing DMS Clients and Environments 12–11