
Appendix C
Describes the utilupdate utility, used to update the
the ris and dmu utilities on a server that is running
an older version of the operating system.
Appendix D Describes how to install a hardware update release into a
DMS area serving an older version of the operating system.
Related Documentation
You should have the following documentation available:
The hardware documentation for your system
Release Notes
Reference Pages Sections 8 and 1m
System Administration
Installation Guide
Installation Guide Advanced Topics
Documentation Overview
The Tru64 UNIX documentation is available on the World Wide Web at the
following URL:
Icons on Tru64 UNIX Printed Manuals
The printed version of the Tru64 UNIX documentation uses letter icons on
the spines of the manuals to help specific audiences quickly find the manuals
that meet their needs. (You can order the printed documentation from
Compaq.) The following list describes this convention:
G Manuals for general users
S Manuals for system and network administrators
P Manuals for programmers
R Manuals for reference page users
Some manuals in the documentation help meet the needs of several
audiences. For example, the information in some system manuals is also
used by programmers. Keep this in mind when searching for information
on specific topics.
The Documentation Overview provides information on all of the manuals in
the Tru64 UNIX documentation set.
About This Manual xi