
7. Enter the swap device and partition on the DMS client. You see a
prompt similar to the following:
Enter the swap device drive type for dsk0b. [RZ26]:
8. Enter the swap device drive type for your previous entry. You see a
prompt similar to the following:
Enter the network interface for client1
(nn.nn.nnn.nnn) [ln0]:
9. Enter the DMS client’s network hardware address. You see a prompt
similar to the following:
Enter the subnet mask for ln0. []:
10. Enter the DMS client’s network subnet mask.
You may see the following prompts:
If the DMS client is on a different subnet from the DMS server, you
see a prompt similar to the following:
Enter the default route for network nn.nn.nnn
___________________ Note ___________________
The default network interface is ln0 for the DEC 3000
series and other systems that use the Lance Ethernet
module. Some systems such as the EB64+ use the Tulip
Ethernet module, which may be identified as tu0.Be
sure to enter the correct network device identifier for the
Ethernet or FDDI interface on the client system.
If there is an entry for the client’s subnet in the
/var/adm/dms/gateways file on the server, the following message
is displayed:
The following are the known gateway[s] between the client subnet and
server subnet. If these value[s] are not correct, please enter the
proper address[s]. If these value[s] are correct, press Return. (For
example, nn.nn.nnn.???) [nn.nn.nnn.nnn]:
If there is no entry for the client’s subnet in the
/var/adm/dms/gateways file on the server, you see a prompt
similar to the following:
Enter the IP address of the gateway[s] between the client subnet and
server subnet. (For example, nn.nn.nnn.???) :
See the Network Administration: Connections manual for information
about obtaining the client’s network information.
12–4 Managing DMS Clients and Environments