
RTR Utility Error Messages
%RTR-F-BADDSKWRI, Unable to create/extend a journal file
Explanation: An attempt to create or extend a journal file on disk failed.
Check that the disk(s) you are using for journals have sufficient free space.
%RTR-E-BADOP, Unable to complete operation @[A] line [A]
Explanation: Processing definition incomplete or undefined - report
occurrence together with supporting information on current command to RTR
%RTR-F-BADOUTFIL, Cannot open file specified with /OUTPUT
Explanation: The file specified with the /OUTPUT qualifier cannot be
%RTR-E-BADPRTSTATE, Disallowed attempt to make an illegal or undefined
partition state transition
Explanation: Returned following an attempt to make an illegal or undefined
partition state transition.
%RTR-E-BADRTRINS, RTR is not correctly installed
Explanation: RTR is not correctly installed. Refer to the RTR Installation
Guide for details of how to install RTR.
%RTR-E-BENOTALL032, Not all back-ends are at the minimum required
version of V3.2
Explanation: Cannot perform the requested action since not all routers are
at a minimum version of V3.2
%RTR-E-CANTSTOP, RTR could not be stopped
Explanation: Indicates that RTR cannot be stopped under present
%RTR-E-CHAALROPE, Channel [A] is already open in this window
Explanation: An RTR channel of this name is already open in this window.
%RTR-F-CHANOTOPE, Channel not opened
Explanation: Channel was not opened. Check channels using the "SHOW
CHANNEL" command.
%RTR-E-CHNALRDEC, Channel [A] is already declared
Explanation: The channel specified with the "/CHANNEL" qualifier on a
"call rtr_open_channel" command has already been declared.
%RTR-E-CHNOTACTIVE, Channel does not have active transaction running
Explanation: No transaction currently active on channel. Occurs only in the
V2 command environment, and is retained for compatibility with previous
versions of RTR.
%RTR-E-CLASSREQ, At least one data-class definition required
Explanation: At least one data-class definition required in call to rtr_
D–2 RTR Utility Error Messages