
Server Shadowing and Recovery
B.8 Application Considerations
Any physical reference to the transaction which is unique to the executing
server, e.g. Channel Id, system time, DB-key, etc., should not be passed back
to the client for future references within its subsequent messages, as this
could lead to inconsistent handling when a different server is involved in
shadow operations.
This consideration is also valid for recovery of non-shadowed servers.
B.9 Server States
The current state of a server can be examined as follows:
RTR> show server/full
Process-id: 13340 Facility: RTR$DEFAULT_FACILITY
Channel: 131073 Flags: SRV
State: active Low Bound:
High Bound: 87 13 rcpnam: "RTR$DEFAULT_CHANNEL"
User Events: 0 RTR Events: 0
Partition-Id: 16777216
Process-id: 13340 Facility: RTR$DEFAULT_FACILITY
Channel: 196610 Flags: SRV
State: active Low Bound: 88 13
High Bound: 0f’ rcpnam: "CHAN2"
User Events: 0 RTR Events: 0
Partition-Id: 16777217
Figure B–2 gives an overview of the server state changes which appear in the
"State:" field
B–6 Server Shadowing and Recovery