DS71-MD4 Serial host and 56k Modem
Unit ID
This option allows the admin users to change the Host Module’s name.
Enter the desired Unit ID, followed by <cr.> The DS71-MD4 stores the changes in non-volatile memory
and returns to the module configuration menu.
I/O modules Reset
Select “I/O Modules Reset” followed by <cr>. The module resets the communications to all I/O ports on
all peripheral modules and displays:
If other users are connected it will ask you to override the users.
Unit Reset
IMPORTANT: Unit reset terminates both internal and external modem connections.
NOTE: You must be connected to the DS71-MD4 module to reset the unit. Resetting the unit
does not return user selections to their default settings.
Select “Reset Unit” followed by <cr>. The module resets the unit and displays:
Allow approximately 10 seconds for the unit to reset. It should state something similar to:
Functional Solutions:
1. No menu serial port:
a. DS power is on and cable connected to EIA232 serial port.
Modem Inactivity Timeout:60 minutes
Change It ? (Y/N) :
Unit ID :DS71-MD4
Change It ? (Y/N) :Y
Enter Unit ID (63 chars. max.) :
I/O Modules Reset Successfully
Strike any Key to Continue
Other User Connected, Override ? (Y/N, Enter): y
I/O Modules Reset Successfully
Strike any Key to Continue
Reset the unit (Y/N) ?:y
Initializing System Please Wait ...........