DS71-MD4 Serial host and 56k Modem
Change User’s Password
NOTE: The factory default password for “admin” is <cr> (Enter).
The admin can change a current user’s port access and password. Select the number of the user from the
User Management Menu and the Host Module displays the following:
ADD User
Select A), from the User Management Menu and the Host Module responds with a request for the user
Enter the name of the user to be added, followed by <cr>. The Host Module will display the User Menu
with the added user.
NOTE: User name is case sensitive.
Delete User
Select D), from the User Management Menu. The Host Module will display the following:
If you select the “admin” user the Module responds with an input error message:
Type the number of the user to be deleted and press <cr>. A successful deletion the Module responds
with User Menu minus the deleted user.
Change User
Select C)
from the User Management Menu
and type the number of the user to edit
User Management Menu:
”admin” .............................. 1
Add New User ..........................A
Delete User ...........................D
Change User ...........................C
To change user password, enter number of user
Enter Request :1
Selected user: admin
Enter New Password:
Re-enter New Password:
Clear Password (Y/N) ?:n
Enter User Name (maximum 10 characters):
From menu above, enter number for User to delete:
Input error: deletion of admin user not allowed.
From menu above, enter number for user to delete>
From menu above, enter number for user to edit:2
Selected user: CAD Eng
Enter new User Name(maximum 10 characters): Engineer
Change username from "CAD Eng" to "Engineer" (Y/N) ?: