Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide—Release 12.1 E
Chapter 34 Configuring Local SPAN and RSPAN
Local SPAN and RSPAN Configuration Guidelines and Restrictions
Source VLANs
A source VLAN is a VLAN monitored for network traffic analysis. VLAN-based SPAN (VSPAN) uses
a VLAN as the SPAN source. All the ports in the source VLANs become source ports.
Destination Ports
A destination port is a Layer 2 or Layer 3 LAN port to which SPAN sends traffic for analysis.
When you configure a port as a SPAN destination port, it can no longer receive any traffic. When you
configure a port as a SPAN destination port, the port is dedicated for use only by the SPAN feature. A
SPAN destination port does not forward any traffic except that required for the SPAN session.
With Release 12.1(13)E and later releases, you can configure trunk ports as destination ports, which
allows destination trunk ports to transmit encapsulated traffic. With earlier releases, trunk ports stop
trunking when you configure them as a destination port.
Local SPAN and RSPAN Configuration Guidelines and
These sections describe local SPAN and RSPAN configuration guidelines and restrictions:
• Local SPAN and RSPAN Session Limits, page 34-5
• Local SPAN and RSPAN Source and Destination Limits, page 34-6
• Local SPAN and RSPAN Guidelines and Restrictions, page 34-6
• VSPAN Guidelines and Restrictions, page 34-7
• RSPAN Guidelines and Restrictions, page 34-7
Local SPAN and RSPAN Session Limits
These are the local SPAN and RSPAN session limits:
Total Sessions per Switch Local SPAN Sessions RSPAN Source Sessions RSPAN Destination Sessions
66 2 (ingress or egress or both) 0 64
1 ingress 1 (ingress or egress or both)
1 or 2 egress 0