Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide—Release 12.1 E
Chapter 13 Configuring EtherChannels
Configuring EtherChannels
Configuring Port Channel Logical Interfaces for Layer 3 EtherChannels
Note • When configuring Layer 2 EtherChannels, you cannot put Layer 2 LAN ports into manually created
port channel logical interfaces. If you are configuring a Layer 2 EtherChannel, do not perform the
procedures in this section (see the “Configuring Channel Groups” section on page 13-8).
• When configuring Layer 3 EtherChannels, you must manually create the port channel logical
interface as described in this section, and then put the Layer 3 LAN ports into the channel group (see
the “Configuring Channel Groups” section on page 13-8).
• To move an IP address from a Layer 3 LAN port to an EtherChannel, you must delete the IP address
from the Layer 3 LAN port before configuring it on the port channel logical interface.
To create a port channel interface for a Layer 3 EtherChannel, perform this task:
When creating the port channel interface, the group number can be one of the following:
• Release 12.1(5)E and later—1 through 256, up to a maximum of 64 port channel interfaces
• Releases 12.1(4)E1, 12.1(3a)E4, and 12.1(3a)E3—1 through 64
• Release 12.1(2)E and earlier—1 through 256
This example shows how to create port channel interface 1:
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# interface port-channel 1
Router(config-if)# ip address
Router(config-if)# end
This example shows how to verify the configuration of port channel interface 1:
Router# show running-config interface port-channel 1
Building configuration...
Current configuration:
interface Port-channel1
ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
Command Purpose
Step 1
Router(config)# interface port-channel number
Creates the port channel interface.
Router(config)# no interface port-channel number
Deletes the port channel interface.
Step 2
Router(config-if)# ip address ip_address mask
Assigns an IP address and subnet mask to the
Step 3
Router(config-if)# end
Exits configuration mode.
Step 4
Router# show running-config interface
port-channel number
Verifies the configuration.