
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide—Release 12.1 E
Chapter 19 Configuring IP Unicast Layer 3 Switching on Supervisor Engine 1
Clearing IP MLS Cache Entries
This example shows how to display MLS entries for a specific source IP address:
Router# show mls ip source any
DstIP SrcIP DstVlan-DstMAC Pkts Bytes
SrcDstPorts SrcDstEncap Age LastSeen
-------------------------------------- 5 : 00e0.4fac.b3ff 157 6370
5 /9 ,5 /9 ARPA,ARPA 901 15:15:30
Number of Entries Found = 1
Displaying Entries for a Specific IP Flow
To display MLS cache entries for a specific IP flow (when the flow mask mode is IP-flow), perform this
This example shows how to display MLS cache entries for a specific IP flow:
Router# show mls ip flow tcp detail
IP Destination IP Source Vlan Xtag L3-protocol Encapsulation RW-Vlan
RW-MACSource RW-MACDestination Bytes Packets Age Last Seen
QoS Police Count Threshold Leak Drop Bucket Use-Tbl Use-Enable
Number of Entries Found = 0
Clearing IP MLS Cache Entries
The clear mls ip command removes specific MLS cache entries. If none of the following parameters are
entered, all IP Layer 3 entries in the table are cleared:
destination or source—Describes the IP addresses of the origin and termination point being purged.
interface and its arguments—Limits the purge to entries for that interface.
macd (MAC destination) or macs (MAC source)—Specifies the source or destination parameters
to use when searching for entries to purge.
exclude protocol—Specifies all port, tcp port, or upd port and interface to allow a entries to
remain in the table.
Command Purpose
Router# show mls ip flow [tcp [any | detail |
interface type slot/port | macd
destination_mac_address | macs source_mac_address] |
udp [any | detail | interface {{vlan vlan_ID} |
slot/port} | {port-channel number}} | macd
destination_mac_address | macs source_mac_address]]
1. type = ethernet, fastethernet, gigabitethernet, or tengigabitethernet
Displays the IP MLS cache entries for a specific IP flow.