Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 20 Configuring STP
Displaying the Spanning-Tree Status
Configuring the Transmit Hold-Count
You can configure the BPDU burst size by changing the transmit hold count value.
Note Changing this parameter to a higher value can have a significant impact on CPU utilization, especially
in Rapid-PVST mode. Lowering this value can slow down convergence in certain scenarios. We
recommend that you maintain the default setting.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to configure the transmit hold-count. This
procedure is optional.
To return to the default setting, use the no spanning-tr
ee transmit hold-count value global
configuration command.
Displaying the Spanning-Tree Status
To display the spanning-tree status, use one or more of the privileged EXEC commands in Table 20-5:
You can clear spanning-tree counters by using the clear spanning-tr
ee [interface interface-id]
privileged EXEC command.
For information about other keywords for the sho
w spanning-tree privileged EXEC command, see the
command reference for this release.
Command Purpose
Step 1
configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2
spanning-tree transmit hold-count value Configure the number of BPDUs that can be sent before pausing
for 1 second.
For va
lue, the range is 1 to 20; the default is 6.
Step 3
end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 4
show spanning-tree detail Verify your entries.
Step 5
copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Ta ble 20-5 Commands for Displaying Spanning-Tree Status
Command Purpose
show spanning-tree active Displays spanning-tree information on a
ctive interfaces only.
show spanning-tree detail Displays a detailed summary of interface information.
show spanning-tree interface in
terface-id Displays spanning-tree information for the specified interface.
show spanning-tree summary [to
tals] Displays a summary of interface states or displays the total lines of the STP
state section.