Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 7 Administering the Switch
Managing the MAC Address Table
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to disable MAC address learning on a VLAN:
To reenable MAC address learning on a VLAN, use the defaul
t mac address-table learning vlan
vlan-id global configuration command. You can also reenable MAC address learning on a VLAN by
entering the mac address-table learning vlan vlan-id global configuration command. The first
(default) command returns to a default condition and therefore does not appear in the output from the
show running-config command. The second command causes the configuration to appear in the show
running-config privileged EXEC command display.
This example shows how to disable MAC address learning on VLAN 200:
Switch(config)# no mac address-table learning vlan 200
You can display the MAC address learning status of all VLANs or a specified VLAN by entering the
show mac-address-table learning [vlan vlan-id] privileged EXEC command.
Displaying Address Table Entries
You can display the MAC address table by using one or more of the privileged EXEC commands
described in Table 7-4:
Command Purpose
Step 1
configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2
no mac address-table learning vlan
Disable MAC address learning on the specified VLAN or VLANs. You
can specify a single VLAN ID or a range of VLAN IDs separated by a
hyphen or comma. Valid VLAN IDs s are 1 to 4094. The VLAN cannot
be an internal VLAN.
Step 3
end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 4
show mac address-table learning [vlan
Verify the configuration.
Step 5
copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Ta ble 7-4 Commands for Displaying the MAC Address Table
Command Description
show ip igmp snooping groups Displays the Layer 2 multicast entries for all VLANs or the specified VLAN.
show mac address-table address Displays MAC address table information for the specif
ied MAC address.
show mac address-table aging-time Displays the aging time in all
VLANs or the specified VLAN.
show mac address-table count Displays the number of addresses present i
n all VLANs or the specified VLAN.
show mac address-table dynamic Displays only dynamic MAC address tabl
e entries.
show mac address-table interface Displays the MAC address table informatio
n for the specified interface.
show mac address-table notification Displays the MAC notification parameters and h
istory table.
show mac address-table static Displays only static MAC address table entries.
show mac address-table vlan Displays the MAC address table info
rmation for the specified VLAN.